Monday, September 10, 2007


I admit that organization is not my strong suit. Well I shouldn't say that. I tend to have piles of things but I know where everything is in those piles. So its sort of "organized chaos" but looks like disorganization to the untrained eye.

My co-worker and I share an office and share organized chaos as well. It works for us but drives our boss nuts. We used to blame it on a lack of storage space. Well he went out and bought a work table where we can store all of our pending files. He just wants our desks clear with only what we are currently working on on them.

So I must spend the afternoon going through my "organized chaos" and organize it according to someone else's system. I am not sure how this will affect me and the way that I work. I freaked out last week when I couldn't find a file that should have been in one of my piles. I turned out that he took it off my desk to work on it and put it back in the filing cabinet. So we'll see how this goes.

Now you may ask what does this have to do with my little designing world. Well everything and nothing. My work desk at home is organized in little piles with virtually no space for actually working on it. There are piles and boxes of supplies in my work closet as well. I have also accumulated another pile of supplies on my dining room table.

So I think that it may be time for me to break out of this "organized chaos" mode and embrace change. I would love to have the space to create and work that actually inspired. It would be so much fun to have the table just be for the chaos of the project. I could spread out and work instead of having to find other spaces to do my work.

Tommorow's Studio Shot Tuesday photo will show some progress from the original photo taken on August 14th. It is my goal to progress each week until there is an actual project on that table. I'll need all of you to help hold my feet to the fire.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel! I actually chose the smaller of the two spare rooms in our house as my crafting space because the view from the window is so much better than the roof of our garage that the bigger room offers... granted, i still have a room, rather than a nook... but sometimes it just seems like there is never enough space! Lol... I even took the door off for just a little more... Lol...

Bonny (Bonny Jewelry) said...

I agree with you completely - working on someone else's system is tough! I'm one of those that has most rooms organized - just don't look in my basement since that's where everything else goes that doesn't belong in the room - LOL! Good luck with the new system and great attitude about embracing change :)