Tuesday, February 12, 2008

An object at rest remains at rest unless . . .

Or a messy room remains disastrously messy unless I get in there and clean it up.

Inspired by my recent cleaning frenzy, I've decided to tackle my craft room. And by tackle I mean try to wrestle a Gilbert Brown sized lineman down to the ground.

Now my faithful readers (who am I kidding, nobody reads this thing) will remember that I "cleaned" my craft room last summer and actually made some "progress".

What happened in the interim? The usual, laziness and procrastination. I would just put stuff in the room when I wasn't using it and then when I had something else to put away, I put it on top of the other stuff. Sad and pathetic I know. But on the bright side, it really hasn't effected my work. I usually just work with a spool of wire, a crochet hook and my wire working tools (which are neatly contained in a case) so I can do it anywhere.

So now what? Well first we'll work on the floor, so I have a clean path to get to the other stuff and then we'll go from there. And by we I mean me.

Next Tuesday I'll post another photo so you can see if I've made any progress.

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